Monday 23 January 2012


As the last full week of January slowly waddles its enlarged waistline towards the weekend I, like so many of us out there, would happily lasso it and drag it across the pay day line. December now seems like a lifetime ago, thoughts of mince pies now make me gag and there is a horrible echoing sound blowing through my bank account. Suddenly it’s January and we are a nation of guilt and shame. Did I need to drink so much wine, eat quite so much chocolate or spend so much on presents? Nope, but like the rest of us I hide my guilt by saying ‘that’s what Christmas is about though, isn’t it?’ and shrugging like I’m so indifferent I could just float away, filled by my own hot air.

While we are all pretending not to feel guilty we turn into a country operating on self punishment, ahem sorry, self reinvention... New Year, New You! [Yeahhhhh...Woo!! Let’s do it! ... and other motivating chants] However, since when did the date matter to the size of your arse? Do you really believe because you start something on the first day of the first month of the year that it will help you continue to do something all year round? Disillusioned doesn’t quite cover it.

This brings me to an actual pet peeve of mine: Resolution-ists. Every January they clog up the gym, suddenly set on the idea that ‘This year, is THE year’ or whatever. What they do is take up every machine, mat, and weight and walk around like they are better than everyday people because THEY, not you, have made a resolution.

So for the past few weeks I’ve been enduring this. I’m especially getting fed up of the people who just walk around the gym, like simply being there breathing the air is making them slimmer, or those that say things like ‘Oh my god, after this I’m SO going to enjoy that Mars Bar...’

Anyway, I have found something that amuses me from these Resolution-ists. As many of them do not like, or want to be, exercising they find many ways to avoid thinking about it. Obviously there are those who listen to music, chat to their gym buddy, or watch the screens showing images of extremely fit people – just to add to that guilt and shame. But then there are those that read.

Now I’ve come across a few people in the past reading a magazine while cycling but never in all my days have I ever seen someone read a BOOK while on a TREADMILL. To be honest I don’t even know how this works, and I think if you get car sick you should not attempt it!

What book is so good that you can’t put it down at the gym? Well... most of them! Therefore I did a bit of Googling and who knew it there are all sorts of gym reading accessories!

So on the left we have the FlipKlip Treadmill Book Holder at a bargain $12.99. [Not hugely happy with the use of the K but i'm sure they have good reason...] We then have the practical Amazonman Treadmilll Reading Rack for $11.99 top right, which looks sturdy. Taking that the gym would be no problem... And finally we have The Mighty Bright Fold-n-Stow available at $8.49 from who-knows-where but it's my favourite. [come on, its a glorified coat hanger!]

The only other thing I found was to use a bicycle tyre inner-tube to strap the book down and it can also be used as a place holder.... i'm not joking....sounds like one way to get kicked out of your gym.

Ok so this lack of useful reading materials is a bit pants but it highlights the question: Why have they not invented a treadmill with an in built e-reader? I can just see it from Apple... the iReadMill... Treadmills would never be the same again.

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